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Who Can Benefit From Body Contouring?

Have you tried dieting and exercise but still have areas of stubborn fat? Learn more about body contouring, which uses radiofrequency heat to reduce fat and cellulite in places like the tummy, thighs, and buttocks.

Cellulite. Muffin top. Love handles. Are you seeing negative changes in your body as you age? 

As we get older, most of us experience weight gain, which causes us to look heavier than we feel. 60% of adults want to feel healthier while 51% wish to lose weight. If you’re like most, you’ve probably tried dieting and exercise. 

While these are the keys to slimming down, sometimes stubborn fat remains. For those who wish to reduce fat and cellulite, there’s body contouring. Body contouring is a minimally invasive way to tone and reshape your body for a more desirable appearance. 

Integrative Medical Group provides body contouring to patients in Conroe, Texas who want a slimmer, sleeker physique. 

How it works

When you’re not pleased with your reflection in the mirror, it causes negative self-feelings. Sarah Jameson, LVN, LMA uses radiofrequency technology to say goodbye to fat and to help boost your self-image. 

By using a handheld wand, she safely heats your skin to 104 degrees to minimize the appearance of cellulite and unwanted fat. The heat is administered deep into your skin to alter the fat cells, pulling them in closer to eliminate the “orange peel” appearance of cellulite. It also effectively shrinks fat cells to improve areas like:

  • Tummy
  • Arms
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Muffin top
  • Bra fat
  • Buttocks
  • Knees

Radiofrequency technology also kickstarts your body, eliminating toxins and ramping up your collagen and elastin production. This results in tighter, smoother, and less jiggly skin. 

Who is it for?

If you like what you hear so far, you might be wondering if you’re a good candidate. Body contouring is a safe, nonsurgical procedure that is a good option for most healthy individuals.  

It’s important to note that body contouring is not a weight loss treatment. It’s best to be 10-20 pounds within your goal weight to be a suitable candidate and to maintain results. 

Body contouring may be for you if you:

  • Have realistic expectations
  • Are bothered by excess fat
  • Eat well and exercise
  • Aren’t obese
  • Are committed to getting regular treatments

Most treatments take about an hour so you can easily fit them into your busy life, even on your lunch break. To get the results you want, it is recommended to undergo 2-4 treatments spaced about a month apart. 

Pain-free with no downtime

They say pain is beauty; luckily, with body contouring, you can skip the pain and just get beautiful results.  

No needles. No incisions. No pain. Most patients describe the sensation of body contouring to be similar to a stone massage. Body contouring is a great option even for people with low pain tolerance. You sit back and relax while we do all the work.  

One of the best parts of body contouring is that it requires no downtime. While redness and minimal swelling are normal side effects of the treatment, these can be hidden by clothing and generally only last a few hours. 

Use with body contouring injections for best results

Tired of seeing dimples and uneven skin texture in your buttocks? Now there’s a new and cutting-edge solution to smooth and tighten this skin. 

We’re pleased to offer QWO® injections from Endo International PLC to get radiant skin in this problem area. This FDA-approved treatment is the first and only injectable to help improve moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks. 

Stop living with stubborn fat today and make a positive change in your appearance with body contouring. Call 832-263-1300 to schedule your appointment or book online.

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