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Hormone Optimization for Women

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At Integrative Medical Group, we take a functional approach to medicine and strive to optimize the health and wellbeing of our patients.  As we age, we all experience a natural decline in our hormone levels.  This decline in our natural hormone production can cause a host of symptoms in women such as weight gain, decreased energy, weaker bones, muscle wasting, brain fog, mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and a decreased sex drive.  

When we think about women’s hormones, we typically think of Estrogen and progesterone, but we can’t forget about Testosterone, DHEA, and pregnenolone for women as well.  


is the hormone that is responsible for the normal growth, development, and maintenance of female sex organs, protects against bone loss, heart disease, and is anti-aging as it promotes cell growth.  Estrogen helps prevent memory disorders and promotes skin health by promoting collagen growth.  


is the hormone that is responsible for many functions including the promotion of secretory changes in the uterine lining, it counteracts the proliferative actions of estrogen on the uterus, aids in restful sleep patterns, supports the production of bone tissue, stabilizes the mood and helps prevent anxiety and irritability.  Progesterone also supports normal bladder function, supports gut health, lowers blood pressure by acting as a natural diuretic, promotes hair growth on the scalp, and provides anti-inflammatory effects on the body.  


is the hormone made in the ovaries and adrenal glands. At around age 35, natural testosterone production begins to decline. Testosterone is responsible for female sexual arousal by maintaining libido and sensitivity in sex organs. Testosterone also decreases bone loss, helps rid the body of excess fat, improves mood, improves memory, provides cardiovascular protection, increases muscle mass, and helps to maintain urinary control.  


is the hormone produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA plays an important role in the formation of testosterone and estrogen. Natural production of this hormone begins to decline in our 20’s and by age 70, natural DHEA production is decreased by 75%.  DHEA has many functions including decreasing allergic reactions and reducing cholesterol.  DHEA helps the body deal with stress, increases bone growth and brain function, increases lean body mass, promotes a sense of well-being, promotes weight loss, and supports the immune system.  


is a steroid hormone or a pro hormone that is derived from cholesterol and is a precursor to estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol. This hormone is responsible for important body functions such as increased energy and better sleep, improved mood and resistance to stress, as well as reduced pain and inflammation.  Pregnenolone also promotes skin hydration and wrinkle reduction. 

At Integrative Medical Group, we believe in natural or bioidentical hormone therapy and avoid synthetic hormone replacement regimens. We only use trusted Compounding Pharmacies and supplement manufacturers.    

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